Alerģiju neitralizēšanai
NOSA allergy filter, package of 7 pieces
Product available for purchase 24/7 at the RAKUS Emergency Medicine and Patient Admission Clinic (2 Hipokrata St., Riga - C1 block) in a vending machine.
NOSA allergy filter is an effective nasal filter developed for people suffering from allergies. The product filters airborne allergens such as pollen, pet dander, dust, and mold.
Allergic reactions is due to an inflammation of the nasal membranes (allergic rhinitis), which can cause sneezing, nasal congestion, nasal itching, and rhinorrhea.¹
The device contains a filter media that filters out particles in the size range of PM10 and larger, reducing the amount of allergen particles that enter the nose.
A reduced exposure to allergens reduces the risk of allergic symptoms.
Izmēra ceļvedis - NOSA Deguna aizbāznis alerģiju neitralizēšanai
NOSA filtrs sastāv no "filtra korpusa" un "blīvējošās filtra daļas". Filtra korpusam jāaizpilda visas nāsis. Blīvējošās filtra daļas funkcija ir nodrošināt hermētisku blīvējumu un izvairīties no gaisa noplūdēm pa malām.
Pielāgojiet savas nāsis filtra korpusa izmēram.